
Friday, 23 December 2011

We hope you’ve had a good year, make 2012 even better!

New Start for 2012

In a few short years, many of us have become online shopping veterans, and with the percentage of users increasing every day, it is now considered the most efficient way of advertising your company and business.
  • The UK has the highest proportion of online shoppers in the world.
  • The average person in the UK spends approximately £1120 per annum
  • Recent study claimed that 14% of people shop online more than once a week.
  • With a further 20% of online shoppers who are over 55, excluding the theory that it is a young person’s domain.

Having the right advertising and SEO promotion is the key to acquiring more business for your online business. What are your digital marketing plans for 2012?

Social Networking and your business

With 2011 seeing the greatest increase in social networking so far, why not put your business on there too? Regularly update people on your newest offers, and other happenings.

Email Marketing
Give your customers that personal touch, by sending them an email detailing your latest offers, or perhaps gain customer feedback.

We can help you discover information such as; the number of emails being viewed, which pages are being visited, and the amount of people who have unsubscribed to your mailing list. All these things can help you create a more valued and effective emailing list.

Website design
Your website plays a vital role in gaining and maintaining customers. People will view your website as a reflection of your business. So, by having an eye catching and sophisticated design you are already enticing their interest, and helping them to continue looking through.

Here are some of the great website designs that we have carried out this year.

The Speech House Hotel – Hotel Website design

Whitley Academy – School website design

Scene Cleaning – Cleaning services website design

Direct Booze – E-commerce website design and build
Engineering and Technology website designs:

Metrology Direct

Cedar Bay


Monday, 12 December 2011

Whitley Academy website launch

Whitley Academy's new and improved web site has now been launched. Click the link below to see all new features and improved appearance.

For more information on how Swimming Hippo may be able to help your business, call 01386 764747 or visit