Since LinkedIn was established in 2002 it has revolutionised the way people network. Over the last 13 years many new features and opportunities have been made available - do you find keeping up with these changes difficult?
Having recently spoken to a company director about the best approach on using LinkedIn to market their services, we noticed that his business was being represented by a personal LinkedIn account not their company LinkedIn page.
This restricts the opportunities available to that business in a number of ways;
1. Branding
2. Creating show pages
3. Making company posts rather than personal
4. Link together all your employees on LinkedIn
Wherever your business is represented, brand continuity is of upmost importance to maintain a professional identity. This applies to your company LinkedIn page and is not be available via your personal LinkedIn page where a profile picture would be placed showing the account administrator rather than something that reflects your company such as your logo at least.
Creating Show Pages
Often a company will offer a number of different services or may wish to promote different features of a product. This can be achieved using show pages. Each show page resides under the one account and can be categorised to show only posts relating to selected topics.
Making company posts rather than personal
Social media is often used for connecting people with people, it is also essential for connecting people with information. If you designate a LinkedIn administrator account that is personal, what happens if that person leaves your business or if they want to post something that is not business related? Having a specific company account that is listed as making posts will help to avoid these and other issues.
Link together all your employees on LinkedIn
Show off your team on LinedIn by associating personal LinkedIn accounts with your business account, but beware of the two issues that may occur mentioned in the early paragraph.
If you need advice on how to use LinkedIn to promote your business, Swimming Hippo can help.